
A growing collection of my cool projects!



As a part of the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, I worked in MIT's Aerospace Controls Laboratory, implementing autonomous driving policies in Python for robot navigation in social environments, such as the dynamic window approach and a social forces-based policy.

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MIT Driverless

I'm a member of the controls subteam on MIT's autonomous race car team! I work on implementing the controllers that convert our planned path into acceleration and braking commands for the car, as well as developing and improving the physical vehicle model.

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UV-C Disinfection Chamber

I mentored my robotics team through the process of developing a machine that can disinfect small, reusable items with UV-C light to aid first responders during the COVID-19 pandemic!

RISC-V Processor

For my final project in 6.004: Computation Structures, I wrote and optimized a multi-stage RISC-V assembly processor in Minispec (Bluespec derivative) that can do almost anything your computer can!

High School

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FIRST Robotics

I was the Captain and Integration Lead of FIRST Robotics Team 469 Las Guerrillas! While I was on the team we won the 2017 Michigan State Championship, the Excellence in Engineering Award twice, and the Innovation in Control Award, and in my junior year, I was a semi-finalist for Dean's List.

Civil Air Patrol

I am a Second Lieutenant in the Civil Air Patrol, the civilian auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force. As the Executive Officer and Aerospace and Cyber Education Officer for my squadron (Go OCS!), I taught classes about aerospace, programming, and cybersecurity. Currently, I'm leading a project where we're designing, building, and programming an autonomous drone for search and rescue (SAR) missions.